Thank You

Post production is beginning to slow down exponentially these last few weeks as I wrap up the color work on Way Out Of Here. That leaves us with sound design next, helmed by my good friend and collaborator Brian Sloss. This will be the stage that really bring the whole film together. From the very beginning of development on this project, sound has been in major consideration for how this project will flow in the edit.

Having said that, the downtime from focusing on the edit of the film has left me to reflect on everything my team and myself had gone through to bring this film to life. I’m beyond humbled that I’ve been given an opportunity by so many to bring such a personal story to life. I want to take a few moments now to thank all of these people for their contributions to this film. We had a killer team who all deserve recognition for their hard work, talents, and the overall support and trust they put into me to see this through.

Thank you to my amazing cast on this film, first off. Miles Dewar, thank you for taking on a complex and painful role. You put so much of yourself into the character, as well as into his internalized torment. Zoe Clifton, thank you for the same, but for really externalizing the context of your role that isn’t seen within the film. In just a few moments we know Sasha has been hurting for some time, and that’s not easily done. Your expressions and cadence read so well on screen. Tucker Case, thank you yet again for another stellar performance. Screentime and context of your role aside, it’s effectiveness is there and drive the tone of the film. Janna Shields and Frytz Mor, thank you both for your flexibility with utilizing your sharp improv skills and undeniable wit. I can’t wait for you to see how your roles fit into the overall experience of the film. And lastly Colin Brush, Derrick Floyd and Erick Slabaugh thank you all for melding easily into the scenario we put your characters in. It’s simple, straightforward and effective.

Now, onto the crew I was lucky enough to put together. It takes a village to make a movie, and I couldn’t have asked for a better village if you ask me. Thank you Shelby Smout for being such a supportive and resourceful co-producer. Keep up the good work because I have no doubt you’ll be using these skills on bigger opportunities someday. Anna Lee Davis, thank you for always putting 110% effort into what you do. Thank you for feeding our team as well as being a badass key set PA and coordinating with us through pre-production . A bit non-traditional, but your ability to adapt is admirable and deserves praise. Thank you Micah Knapp for your support with getting everything we needed on set as my assistant director. Your drive to create bring a warm presence to any production. Thank you Bogdan Darev, for always being supportive and being a part of this journey since my first film out of college. Having you help behind the scenes as the second assistant director offered a calm and friendly environment for cast and crew alike, and your energy is something I never want to be without when taking on these sorts of creative endeavors. Thank you Matt Shanafelt for your ability to take on my ideas while always being comfortable with suggesting a compromise that best benefits the film overall. You have a great eye and talent for setting a mood. Thank you to our camera team, Seth Halleran and Justin Vinall. Your combined skillsets and ability to communicate made it so we ran as smoothly as possible. Thank you Brittany Delph, for being on set with us as our camera PA and media wrangler, as well for your continued support through post production. I am very grateful for your assistance in understanding Davinci Resolve more clearly. Thank you Matt Rush for your lighting expertise, I am incredibly happy with how you and Shanafelt worked together to develop the emotional tone of the film from a visual perspective. And thank you to our grip and electric team that made all of Matt’s plans possible, Jake Waluconis and Louis Ziob. You are two high quality human beings and extremely hard workers. Thank you to our sound team, Taylor Delph and Brian Sloss. I love how much you both care about your work and making sure things sound as good as they look. I can’t wait to see how it all shapes up in post. Thank you to our art department team, production designer Mariya Apostolava and our art PA’s Lela Wulsin and Hannah Becker. The world that we lit and framed wouldn’t have existed without everything you all put into making it so. Mariya, thank you for being a long time collaborator and for your abilities to tap into the essence of character and the worlds they inhabit. Thank you to our two hard working production assistants, Jake and Kyle Love. You both always have such a positive energy on set. Everything you guys have done to keep the production moving smoothly was instrumental to getting what we have now in the edit. Invisible to most, but without good pa’s a production can easily lose it’s footing. Thank you to Brenden Noll for being our onset behind the scenes photographer. The pictures I’ve seen so far look great and I’m very happy to have this documented account of the film’s principle photography to share with the world over time.

Lastly, there’s a few others I feel the need to give a proper thanks to. They may not have been on set with us or along throughout pre-production but their support was still huge. Thank you to Ben Johnson, my business partner and a key supporter of the work I aim to put out into the world. Thank you for talking the voice in the back of my head out of some not so strong ideas I had during the writing process and throughout pre-production. Couldn’t do it without ya bud. Thank you to Allen and Jill Johnson for believing in this and past projects. Each one has been a major stepping stone of progress in my craft and I quite literally could not have gotten here without you both. And of course, my wife who has supported me in her own way on everything I do and every step taken on this journey.

I hope I did not forget anyone, and would gladly edit this to include you if there is someone I spaced out on. Every small ripple is felt in the creation of a film, and so one last thank you to everyone involved. I can’t wait to see this film complete and begin sharing it with the world.

Thank you for your time,
– Alex S.

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